• SCGC fall meeting is scheduled for Sept 29 at Mt Juliet HS
  • Expect an email during the week of Sep 9 with details
  • Happy Labor Day Weekend

SCGC Advisory Board Meeting Info!!

SCGC Advisory Board Meeting Info!!

SCGC Directors,

This email contains information regarding our annual Advisory Board Meeting, submission of 2015 proposals, absentee/proxy voting procedures, and election of SCGC Board Members. Please review the info provided and make note of important dates and deadlines.
Advisory Board Meeting

The next Advisory Board meeting for SCGC Directors will be held at Spring Hill HS in TN on May 3, 2015 @ 2 p.m.  If your Guard/Percussion program paid SCGC membership dues for the 2015 season you are a voting member of the SCGC and have one vote per unit.  The Advisory Board meeting is the place for you to voice your concerns on how to improve the experience of everyone involved in the circuit. In an effort to continue to foster growth within the circuit we need your feedback on how to make this great circuit even better for directors, show sponsors, spectators, and most importantly the students involved.

Opinions of our membership are heard in the form of proposals submitted via email BEFORE the Circuit meeting.  Although an unlimited number of proposals can be submitted, members are encouraged to take much time and thought in the wording of their proposals.  Please remember your proposals will be published for membership to read and discuss.  Proposal format is available on the web site in the resources section and the deadline for submission is April 17, 2015.  Any proposal passed by Advisory Board members present on May 3rd would then be forwarded to the Board of Directors for final approval.  Should you have questions about submitting a proposal please contact SCGC Secretary/Rebecca Hope at HopeJRAH@aol.com.

Director Proxy

Directors unable to attend the Advisory Board Meeting on May 3rd should select a trusted adult planning to attend and have them vote on your behalf by submitting a written proxy form.  Please remember it is only the director of a unit who can utilize proxies.  The Proxy form can be found in the resources section of the web site. Proxy must be signed/faxed and/or electronically signed/emailed to SCGC Secretary/Rebecca Hope by close of business on April 30, 2015.  (see form for directions)

Open Board Seats

SCGC Directors may submit nominations for Open Board Seats, those nominated will then be voted on by those present at the Advisory Board Meeting.
The following were elected last June to serve the Board in 2-year Color Guard/Percussion seats and will complete the second year of their term during the 2016 season...Tab Brown-Percussion, Kim England-Guard, Adrian Fitchpatrick-Guard, Rebecca Hope-Guard, Amanda Jones-State Rep Seat, and Donna McKinney-Guard.

Board Members rolling off after completion of their 2 year terms are: Kenneth Calhoun-Guard, Dean Payne-Guard, Danielle Todd-Guard, Tim Vaughn-Guard, Tony Cox-Percussion, and Jason Palmer-Percussion.  Those seats along with the 1 year remaining on a Percussion seat that could not be filled last summer are all open for nomination and election on May 3. 

Directors please email nominations for Board Seats to HopeJRAH@aol.com.  Deadline for nominations is April 17th.

State Rep Positions

State Reps were elected in June 2014 for a two year term.  Those terms will expire June 2016. 
State Rep seats currently held by...Bryan Hobson/Alabama, Amanda Jones/Tennessee, Cedrick Leavell/Kentucky, and Dale Wigginton/Mississippi 

Recap of Info...

SCGC Advisory Board Meeting for Directors is Sunday, May 3rd @ 2 p.m. on the campus of Spring Hill HS in Tennessee.

Proposals & Board Seat Nominations must be emailed to HopeJRAH@aol.com and received by April 17th!!

Director Proxy must be submitted to Rebecca Hope on or before April 30th!!

Thank you for a great 2015 season and a wonderful SCGC Championship event last Saturday!!
Safe travels & best of luck to all headed to WGI World Championships...I know you will make SCGC proud!!!
Hope to see you all at our meeting on May 3rd!!!!  All the best...Donna :-)

Donna McKinney, President
Southeastern Color Guard Circuit
Oak Grove HS
9494 Oak Grove Parkway
Bessemer, AL 35023

SCGC Members in Action