• SCGC fall meeting is scheduled for Sept 29 at Mt Juliet HS
  • Expect an email during the week of Sep 9 with details
  • Happy Labor Day Weekend

1 or 2 contest only

1 or 2 contest only

Can I compete if I am not a full time member of the SCGC? 
Absolutely!  and it is pretty simple.
If you don't have a User Name and Password, create one at the top of the HOME page of the SCGC web site.  You will receive an email as a confirmation. Then,  LOGIN and register your unit as a "pay per show " from the choices in the pull down menu.
Fill out your info, once submitted and approved, you will receive an invoice for the show(s) you are signed up for.  Fees & SCGC policies/procedures can be found in the 2020 by-laws. A copy can be found in the RESOURCES section of the Director's only area.
Please note, that all Independent per show units must provide Proof of Insurance as described in the Policy Manual, and that all groups must sign a Master Agreement with SCGC. This agreement will be sent to you once you register.
If you have any questions please email our Contest Coordinator at contestcoordinator@scgconline.org

SCGC Members in Action