• SCGC fall meeting is scheduled for Sept 29 at Mt Juliet HS
  • Expect an email during the week of Sep 9 with details
  • Happy Labor Day Weekend

SCGC Accolades Vol 1. Fall 1990

SCGC Accolades Vol 1. Fall 1990

Hi: Atttached are 12 documents (pages) of the SCGC history. My hope is that you can get the SCGC to post this history on their website for posterity.
Please pass this information on to the SCGC board members in this hope. I am sending 6 attachments each in two emails because the files are too big for one email.

I have also posted these on the Colorguard Historical Society; you should join this site because it provides so much useful information
Here's the link to my page:

SCGC Members in Action