• SCGC fall meeting is scheduled for Sept 29 at Mt Juliet HS
  • Expect an email during the week of Sep 9 with details
  • Happy Labor Day Weekend

CG Director job posting

CG Director job posting

The Fultondale Band Program is actively searching for an experienced and passionate Color Guard Director for the 2021-2022 school year.  Responsibilities tied to this position include, but are not limited to:

- Writing and teaching all color guard work/choreography for the Fall 2021 production.
- Contributing to design meetings with the Band Directors and other staff.
- Instructing the guard at all after-school marching band rehearsals during the fall (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00-8:30p.m).
- Attending band camps and summer rehearsals (dates will be provided to applicants when necessary).
- Attending all football games, competitions, and any other marching band-related performances.
- Coordinating and adjudicating color guard auditions in the spring of 2022.

Interested applicants should send their resume and any other documentation to the directors:
Jeremy Stanley - Director of Bands
Blake Hord? - Assistant Director of Bands

If you have any questions about this position or the interview/hiring process, please do not hesitate to reach out to either director.  We are looking forward to this process, and are excited to select someone to join our team at Fultondale High School!

Applicants may also check out our website at www.fultondalebands.org

SCGC Members in Action